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Doctor Job Summit 2021

All live talks are free to attend.

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AdvanceMed Careers Workshop

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Proudly supported by

Further Talks will be announced May 2021

Just Some of Our Line Up

Dr Alan Giles, Clinical Educator & Director of Training

Dr Ashe Coxon, Medical Career Planning

Dr Vanessa Moran, GP Synergy

Dr Rachel Seaniger, Medical Educator & Clinical Academic

Dr Amy Imms, Well Being Doctor

Dr Anthony Llewellyn, AdvanceMed

Dr Adam Harrison, Coach

Dr Abhinav Aggarwal, Surgical Trainee

Dr Natalie Klees, Medical Administration Trainee


Please check with official recruitment site for more detailed information.

New South Wales

Majority of applications open 22nd July 2021 (but some open as early as May 2021

Applications Close 12th August 2021 (earlier in some cases)

Most interviews held between August and September 2021 


The PMCV Match site has published the following dates so far:

First Year Psychiatry, applications close 8th June 2021

Radiology Registrars, applications close 4th June 2021


Early Rural Advanced Skills Applications Open 19th April 2021

Main Applications Open 31st May 2021

Rural Applications Close 7th May 2021

Main Applications Close 28th June 2021

Main Interviews Begin 25th July 2021

Western Australia

Applications for the 2022 WA RMO and Service Medical Registrar centralised recruitment process will open on Monday 24 May and close on Monday 21 June at 12:00 noon (AWST).

Applications for the 2022 WA Service Surgical Registrar centralised recruitment process will open on Monday 31 May and close on Monday 28 June at 12:00 noon (AWST).

South Australia

PGY2 Applications Open 7th June 2021

PGY 2 Applications Close 30th June 2021


Dates not published as yet

Australian Capital Territory

Some applications open 31st May 2021

Most applications open 5th July 2021

Northern Territory

Dates not published as yet

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What Our Fans Say About AdvanceMed

AdvanceMed is an initiative to provide career advice, planning and preparation among postgraduate medical trainees in Australia.

Created by a group of doctors with a strong interest in transitions in medical training.

From preparation & research to application and addressing the selection criteria — with emphasis on interview training and performance.

At our intensive workshops, experts take attendees through all the essential steps in the specialty selection process.

Now in our 6th year, over 1,200 trainee doctors have attended our workshops so far. We now bring you the best and more of our workshops in this online summit.

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It's time to get focused on the areas you need help with

Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through content you just don't need, Job Skills for Doctors is delivered entirely online. Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to transform your career prospects or catch them all. It’s up to you!

View the schedule
Clinical Scenario Questions

05 August 2021, 10:00 AM

Alan Giles
Tell Us About Yourself? (Strengths and Weaknesses)

15 July 2021, 09:00 AM

Anthony Llewellyn
How to Succeed at the Job Application Process

27 May 2021, 10:00 AM

Anthony Llewellyn
Choosing Your Referees

08 June 2021, 10:00 AM

Rachel Seaniger

With over a dozen experts, the tactics you need are just a click away

Our experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies and tactics. If you’re focused on launching or growing your career in medicine we've got you covered.

Meet the speakers

Follow your favourite topics for exclusive content and offers

Choose the topics you'd like to follow and we'll keep you up to date with its content, expert advice and exclusive offers.

Check out the Categories
International Medical Graduates
A Talk Supported By Grimsey
Career Transitions
Career Paths & Colleges
Alternative Careers
A Talk Supported By H.Prime
A Talk Supported By GP Synergy
Job Applications
A Talk Supported By Credabl
General Practice
Job Interview Techniques

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We Give Back

At AdvanceMed We Have Always Given To Worthy Causes. 

In past years we have raised close to $19,000.

Find Out How We Support Other Groups. Like the RDFS and Medicins Sans Frontieres.

$18,815 in Donations So Far Since 2016

Here are some of the organizations we have supported over the years.






Prevocational Forums


RSPCA $100







BDI $250

DHQ $100


2020 Workshop FAQ Video

Will There Be Questions and Answers?

Yes. Each session is timed to allow engagement around the topic. Our speakers are used to providing their information in an engaging and efficient way allowing for plenty of questions and answers.

Our moderators will help to ensure that all participants get their chance to ask burning questions.

But please out of respect to other attendees. Try to keep your questions relevant to the topic.

So for example, if the topic is about CV composition, a question about clinical scenarios in an interview would not be relevant.

After each talk is held there is also an opportunity to post a comment or question to the presenter and summit team.

So, for example, if you have paid to access our replays. Then this will be helpful to you.

Will There Be Replays?

Yes. We recognise that not everyone can make a live webinar at the allotted time. So we will make all webinars available after the live webinar event. Usually 2 or 3 days later. Replays are available as part of a number of our ticketing options.

Can the Workshop Be Interactive?

Rest assured our workshops will be interactive. With the opportunity for audience participation, including polling and questions. Some will also include a quick activity.

If you have ever been to our face to face workshops you will know that we are adept at incorporating technologies like audience polling.

Will There Be Specific Topics For IMGs?

Yes. Due to overwhelming interest from our IMG community, we have incorporated a few topics that will be highly relevant to this group. And as annual recruitment moves forward into its second offers phase. When opportunities generally arise for IMGs.  We will roll out more specific talks.

Will There Be Specific Topics For Trainee Doctors?

Yes. The majority of our talks are highly relevant and developed for Trainee Doctors. Plus. Due to the fact that we are not constrained by a one day face to face workshop this year.

How Many Talks Will There Ultimately Be?

This Is Where It Is Up To You. The Audience. 

We have a number of great talks and speakers. planned for announcements over the next few weeks.  You will shortly see talks scheduled for June, July and August.

We want to provide as much information and assistance to as many medical students and doctors as possible about the job application process. And we feel that there is an ongoing need for this summit well into 2021.

Basically. The more doctors who back and get behind this project. The more great talks and speakers we will put on for you.

Will Speakers Be From Selection Panels?

Absolutely. We source our presenters from 2 main groups. Senior doctors who have been heavily involved in the selection process over many years. As well as doctors who have successfully navigated the career and selection process. We believe it’s important to get a perspective from both sides of the interview table.

In addition our Key Expert. Dr Anthony Llewellyn has had 25+ years of experience working in the area of medical recruitment and has extensive knowledge of how selection works in a range of circumstances.

Can You Talk About What Senior Doctors And Interviewers Look For?

Absolutely. As indicated above many of our experts are senior doctors and heavily involved in the interview process.

Can You Cover Interview Scenarios and Model Answers?

Yes. We cover the main types of interview scenarios in our talks, including behavioural questions, professional/ethical questions, clinical scenarios, talking about yourself and dealing with inappropriate questions.

Whilst it's clearly impossible to cover absolutely every question that might possibly be asked in an interview. If you attend all talks on the interview process. You will be given the key frameworks to answer the most common scenarios, with plenty of examples.

Can You Make It More Affordable?

How's Free Sound to You?

On the ticketing page, you will notice there is a range of options for obtaining access to the workshop. In the past, we have had to charge a reasonably high rate for our workshops to cover the significant costs of hiring a hotel venue.

Online summits also have costs. But you will see that we have been able to significantly reduce the cost of attendance. As well as increase value (through more content) in comparison to past years.

Why Can’t It Be Face to Face?

Our experience in 2020 with the online workshop proved that this was the right move. So many more doctors were able to participate (679) last year compared to around 200 in the previous years.

Yes. We were all been subjected to too many boring Zoom Webinars last year. But the AdvanceMed team has been doing online learning for years.

And the reality is that running one-day workshops in hotels have their limitations. For one thing, they cost more to run. But also they are more restrictive in who can get to the workshop. 

So we are online again for now and into the future.